Every month and in every season there’s a reason to celebrate the amazing pets we have in our life. They are family, after all!
* National Train Your Dog Month.
* Walk Your Pet Month.
* Adopt a Rescued Bird Month.
* Jan. 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day.
* Jan. 2: Happy Mew Year for Cats Day.
* Jan. 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day.
* Jan. 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day.
* Jan. 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day.
* Jan. 29: Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary.
* Beat the Heat Month.
* Dog Training Education Month.
* National Cat Health Month.
* Spay/Neuter Awareness Month. (Humane Society of the United States)
* Pet Dental Health Month.
* Responsible Pet Owners Month.
* National Prevent a Litter Month.
* Unchain a Dog Month.
* 2nd week in Feb: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week.
Feb. 11-12: Westminster Kennel Club Annual Dog Show. Held at New York
City’s Madison Square Garden, this event is televised. Each breed has an
associated rescue group.
* Feb. 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day.
* Feb. 20: Love Your Pet Day.
* Feb. 22: Walking the Dog Day.
* Feb. 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day.
* Feb. 24-March 2: National Justice for Animals Week.
Feb. 26: World Spay Day. Annual campaign by the Humane Society
International and The Humane Society of the United States; held the last
Tuesday of February.
* Feb. 26: Spay Day USA.
* Poison Prevention Awareness Month.
* Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month.
* March 3: If Pets Had Thumbs Day.
* March 3-10: Professional Pet Sitters Week.
March 7-10: Crufts. Held in Birmingham, England, this is the world’s
largest dog show, featuring nearly 28,000 canines in its four days.
* March 13: K-9 Veterans Day.
* March 17: Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day— patron saint of cats.
* March 17-23: National Poison Prevention Week.
* March 23: National Puppy Day.
* March 28: Respect Your Cat Day.
* Canine Fitness Month.
* National Adopt a Greyhound Month.
* National Heartworm Awareness Month.
National Pet First Aid Awareness Month. This event is an effort by the
American Red Cross to draw attention to the need to know specialized pet
first aid.
* Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month.
* Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. (ASCPA)
* National Pet Month. (UK)
* April 1-7: International Pooper Scooper Week.
* April 6: National Siamese Cat Day.
* April 6: Every Day is Tag Day. Always the first Saturday in April.
* April 1-7: National Raw Feeding Week.
* April 7-13: Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week. 2nd full week in April.
* April 7-13: National Dog Bite Prevention Week. 2nd full week in April.
* April 8: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day.
* April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day.
* April 11: National Pet Day.
* April 11: Dog Therapy Appreciation Day.
April 14-20: Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week. An effort by
the Humane Society of the United States. Third week in April.
* April 14 – 20: National Pet ID Week. Third week in April.
* April 21: Bulldogs are Beautiful Day.
* April 22: Earth Day.
* April 23: National Lost Dog Awareness Day.
* April 24: International Guide Dog Day.
* April 26: National Kids and Pets Day.
* April 26: Hairball Awareness Day. Last Friday in April.
April 27: World Veterinary Day. This event from the World Veterinary
Association is always celebrated on the last Saturday in April.
* April 28: National Pet Parents Day.
* April 30: Adopt a Shelter Pet Day.
* April 30: National Therapy Animal Day.
* April 30: National Tabby Day.
* National Pet Month. (US)
* Responsible Animal Guardian Month.
* Lyme Disease Prevention Month.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Sponsored by Pet Cancer Awareness and the
Blue Buffalo Foundation for Cancer Research. (Also see November events.)
* Chip Your Pet Month.
National Service Animal Eye Exam. The American College of Veterinary
Optholmologists hosts this annual event when over 300 veterinary
ophthalmologists donate their services to provide eye exams to service
dogs in the US and Canada during the month of May.
* May 1: National Purebred Dog Day.
* May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day.
* May 5: Mayday for Mutts. First Sunday in May.
May 5 – 11: American Humane’s Be Kind to Animals Week. This week-long
event has been celebrated since 1915. Always the first full week of May.
* May 5-11: National Pet Week. Always held the first full week of May by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
May 6-11: Puppy Mill Action Week. An initiative of the HSUS, this week
is always scheduled to begin the Monday before Mother’s Day.
* May 11: National Dog Mom’s Day. Second Saturday in May.
* May 11: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day.
* May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day.
* May 20: National Rescue Dog Day.
* May 27-June 2: National Dog Mobility Awareness Week.
* Adopt-a-Cat Month®. From the American Humane Association.
* Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month. From the ASPCA.
* National Foster a Pet Month. New from the Petco Foundation.
National Pet Preparedness Month. This month, timed for the first month
of hurricane season, urges people with pets to make preparations in case
they should be hit by a disaster…and that includes making plans for
what you would do with your dog in case of a hurricane, tornado, flood
or other natural disaster.
* National Microchipping Month.
* Through June 2: National Dog Mobility Awareness Week.
* June 2-8: Pet Appreciation Week. First week in June.
* June 4: Hug Your Cat Day.
* June 8: Best Friends Day.
* June 11: World Pet Memorial Day. Second Tuesday in June.
* June 11: Just One Day.
* June 16-22: Animal Rights Awareness Week.
* June 17-21: Take Your Pet to Work Week®.
* June 17: Take Your Cat to Work Day®.
* June 19: National Garfield the Cat Day.
* June 21: Take Your Dog to Work Day®.
* June 24: Cat World Domination Day.
National Lost Pet Prevention Month™. Learn how to keep your pets from
becoming lost in this month-long observance launched by PetHub.
* National Pet Hydration Awareness Month.
* Dog House Repair Month.
* July 1: ID Your Pet Day.
July 4: Independence Day. This US holiday is no holiday for dogs; the
sounds of fireworks causes many dogs to panic and run, resulting in many
lost dogs every year.
* July 5: Pet Remembrance Day.
* July 11: All-American Pet Photo Day.
July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day. Sponsored by the The National
Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), ADT Security Services and the American
Kennel Club® (AKC).
* July 21: National Craft for your Local Shelters Day.
* July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day.
July 22-29: National Feed a Rescue Pet Week: Launched in 2017, this
holiday by GreaterGood.org and The Animal Rescue Site aims to feed
shelter pets.
* July 26: National Dog Photography Day. UK holiday.
* July 31: National Mutt Day. Also see Dec. 2.
* Rawgust. Celebration of raw feeding for pets for the month of August.
Aug. 1: DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs. The North Shore
Animal League America, the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and
adoption organization, declared August 1 as a birthday for all the
shelter animals whose birthdays are unknown. Happy DOGust!!
* Aug. 4-10: International Assistance Dog Week.
* Aug. 5: Work Like a Dog Day.
Aug. 5-12: Give a Dog a Bone Week. Hosted by Pets of the Homeless, the
event features more than 400 Pets of the Homeless donation sites
nationwide asking their community to bring donations of pet food and
supplies to assist the pets of the homeless.
* Aug. 8: International Cat Day.
* Aug. 10: Spoil Your Dog Day.
* Aug. 10: National Lazy Day.
Aug. 15: National Check the Chip Day. AVMA and the American Animal
Hospital Association (AAHA) joined together to create “Check the Chip
* Aug. 16: Saint Roch’s Day. Patron saint of dogs.
* Aug. 17: International Homeless Animals’ Day.
* Aug. 17: National Black Cat Appreciation Day.
* Aug. 22: National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day.
Aug. 26: National Dog Day. One of the most popular pet holidays of the
year, we’ve got an entire page devoted to National Dog Day with ideas on
how you and your dog can celebrate together!
* Aug. 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.
* Aug. 30: National Holistic Pet Day.
* Happy Cat Month. Established by the CATalyst Council.
* National Service Dog Month.
* National Pet Insurance Month.
* Responsible Dog Ownership Month.
* Pet Sitter Education Month.
* Animal Pain Awareness Month.
National Disaster Preparedness Month. Led by FEMA’s Ready Campaign,
Citizen Corps and The Advertising Council, this effort encourages
individuals, families, businesses and communities to work together and
take action to prepare for emergencies. Visit Ready.gov.
* Sept. 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day.
Sept. 8: National Pet Memorial Day. Established by the International
Association of Pet Cemeteries (IAPC). Second Sunday in September.
Sept. 8: National Dog Walker Appreciation Day. Founded in 2016 by Wag!,
this day (always Sept.8) recognizes the work of professional dog
* Sept. 8: National Hug Your Hound Day. Second Sunday in September.
Sept. 13: Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day. A day dedicated to the issue
of pet birth defects including information on identification, prevention
and treatment. Sponsored by MBJungle.
* Sept. 16-22: Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week. Always the third week in Sept.
* Sept. 17: National Pet Bird Day. A new holiday founded by the Bird Enjoyment & Advantage Koalition (BEAK).
* Sept. 21: Puppy Mill Awareness Day. Third Saturday in September.
* Sept. 21: Responsible Dog Ownership Day. Always the third Saturday in September.
* Sept. 22-28: National Deaf Dog Awareness Week. Last full week in September.
* Sept. 22-28: National Dog Week. Last full week in September.
* Sept. 23: Dogs in Politics Day (also known as Checkers Day). Recognizing the dogs of politicians.
Sept. 26: Remember Me Thursday® Remember Me Thursday® is an
international social media awareness day that brings attention to the
millions of adoptable pets waiting in shelters and remembers those pets
who never got a second chance. Share your rescue pet using
* Sept. 28: World Rabies Day. Sponsored by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control.
* Sept. 28: World’s Largest Pet Walk. Sponsored by Pet Partners.
* Adopt-A-Dog Month®. By American Humane Association.
* Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month. By ASPCA.
* National Animal Safety and Protection Month.
* National Pet Wellness Month.
* National Pit Bull Awareness Month.
* 1st Week of October. National Walk Your Dog Week.
* 1st Full Week of October. Animal Welfare Week. (AVMA)
* Oct. 1: National Fire Pup Day.
* Oct. 1: National Black Dog Day.
* Oct. 4: World Animal Day.
* Oct. 9: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day.
* Oct. 13-19: National Veterinary Technician Week. Sponsored by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians of America.
* Oct. 16: Global Cat Day.
* Oct. 19: National Fetch Day.
Oct. 26: National Pit Bull Awareness Day. Last Saturday in Oct. (unless
Halloween falls on the last Saturday, then another date is chosen).
* Oct. 27: National Black Cat Day in the UK.
* Oct. 28: Plush Animal Lovers Day. A day that most dogs will be happy to celebrate…as they unstuff those plush toys…
* Oct. 29: National Cat Day.
* Adopt a Senior Pet Month. By ASPCA.
* National Pet Awareness Month.
* National Senior Pet Month.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Sponsored by Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI)
and the Animal Cancer Foundation. (Also see May events).
* Pet Diabetes Month.
* Nov. 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day.
* Nov. 3-9: National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. by The Humane Society of the United States. First full week of November.
* Nov. 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day.
* Nov. 17: National Black Cat Day.
* Nov. 17: National Take a Hike Day.
National Dog Show. Always broadcast in the US on Thanksgiving, this
event is held at The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks,
Pennsylvania and is hosted by the Kennel Club of Philadelphia.
* National Cat Lover’s Month.
* Dec. 2: National Mutt Day. Also see July 31.
* Dec. 15: National Cat Herders Day.